Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Jammies Day

I, Jess, with no actual title or power, declare a PJ's day!

A day where you get to stay home, spend time with your family, roommate, cat or whatever and just not be burdened with all that stuff out there. A day to "cleanse" ourselves from the everyday.

In grad school Dave and I lived in different states (no surprise to any of my readers I know). We juggled schedules and commitments to get together as often as possible. I remember one particular weekend, while planning what we were going to do, I declared a PJ day. A day where I did not have to leave, make phone calls, do homework or anything else. I just wanted to bum around in my PJ's and enjoy my company. And we did. I think we spent most of the day watching movies. It was nice.

As I now am juggling a mountain of responsibility and decisions I am yearning for a PJ day. One where I don't have to track down the bank, insurance, builder or HR rep. One where my phone isn't ringing everytime I curl up with a book or for a nap. Maybe...just where I can go for my run without feeling like I might be missing an important phone call or email.

No matter what stage of life we are in...there is something demanding our time. Be it work, kids, school, moving blah blah blah. Our time is never our own. If we do take time for ourselves, we typically have to scramble to catch up when we are done. But where does that leave us? Tired? Cranky? Resentful? Who wants to be like that???

So I declare it....PJ DAY 2008. You pick the day. Have your snacks ready...or the delivery menus by the phone. Turn off the email and turn on the voice mail. Snuggle up to whoever or whatever makes you happy and just enjoy life for all its worth!