Thursday, July 23, 2009

Random Musings

It has been an eventful couple of weeks!

We have travelled south to visit family and north to celebrate friends.

In Hilton Head we discovered that GZ can indeed swim (though he prefers not to) fairly well considering the current was probably pretty strong for a 10lb pup. We also got to see Dave's niece and nephew along with other family that we haven't seen since the wedding! It was so nice to catch up with everyone. And it was nice to get away for a weekend...there is just something about driving away that resets the perspective.

Last weekend landed us in Cinnci for a wedding. It was a great time. A reunion of TSD people that I haven't seen in years. It's times like these that you can appreciate good friendships that just pick up where you left matter how long its been. =) I miss all of those folks a lot so the visit was very cathartic for me. Despite the fact that I felt a little like a polka dotted cow with this whole body make-over c/o baby.

We also got to visit with one of Dave's grad school friends who was gracious enough to drive us around and give us a place to crash for the night. Congrats to him on his engagement! Yay! We visited the Cinncinatti zoo, which was really nice. (I love zoo's!)

Hmmm what else. Ahh...mamacita has uprooted again and landed happily in North Carolina. We are off to Asheville to visit them this weekend.

Work is work with both of our jobs presenting their own frustrations. However we remain grateful that we have employment, especially with the baby!

Oh yeah...the baby. We are more than 1/2 there now! Yay! I can't say that I am one of those glowing preggo ladies that cherish every hormone-induced moment, but I am thankful that everything has been progressing smoothly. This whole pregnancy thing was definitely not designed for the impatient, pathological worriers. =) And now I am reassured by the random somersaults that go on throughout the day. Sadly the kicks aren't quite hard enough for Dave to witness which has resulted in some drill-like commands at my tummy "kick harder! Ahp cha ki!"

Hope everyone has had a nice July..cause well...its pretty much gone. Amazing how quickly summer slips away.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Real Life

I had a great weekend!

Everything from an awesome concert/picnic in the park with my hubby to a meet and greet with the neighbors for the 4th. There was doggie play time, cleaning, reading, chilling and just general mirth.

I finally dug out the futon in my office. Now I can set up my own little reading space. Yay!!

We have some really awesome neighbors! Most of us had only done the casual wave while walking around the block, but by the end of the evening you would think we all knew each other for ever. It was very comfortable. It was nice to feel like I am finally settled into a place. Note...that I am guessing I will feel a bit unsettled come November. But...almost all of the families have at least I will have some experience nearby!

On a more "meh" note. My weigh in at the doctors was a bit humbling yesterday, so I am trying to be more careful. I even fired up my new Pilates tape today after work. Man was that an eye-opener. It has been a LONG time since I couldn't finish a workout. Guess at least now I have a goal. GZ didn't really help. He kept chasing my foot around and licking my face. At one point he decided that he was going to perch on my head while I was trying desparately to keep up with the nice smiling lady who was waaayyyy more preggo than me. Now I just have to figure out what is good tummy pain and what is bad tummy pain when doing workouts.

GZ and I "cooled down" from Pilates with a walk around the neighborhood. Cool is a relative term around here...but it wasn't unbarable. He is currently passed out on his pillow.

Off to nibble some veggies.


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Today is a B- at best...

Did you ever have one of those know...the one where you are convinced that the heavens did not intend for you to participate in society? wasn't terrible, parts of it were nice....but...overall meh.

1. GZ would not willingly come out of his crate this morning so I went after him. But then because I was still sleepy, my balance is a little off and cause I am a klutz...could not get back up. So, dog in one hand I tried to brace myself against the night stand and WHACK knocked the poor dog's head right off the handle. It was met with a sad and tiny whimper.

2. So there I was, late for work, trying to check the dogs pupils but he wouldn't let me because he was much more interested in chewing on my hands....fine. I pop him in the crate and head to work...where I spend most of my day worrying whether or not the dog has an intercranial bleed. (Turns out he's fine in the end).

3. Because I am running late I have to grab breakfast on the way to work. I figure that an egg and cheese biscuit would cheer me up...and it did...until part of the biscuit fell down my shirt into the no-mans land that is baby belly. I thought that I had successfully retrieved it. But as I was chatting with one of the other nurses at work I reach up to scratch my belly and....hey look at biscuit! All she could do was laugh.

4. My boss was annoyed because I had no news for him...because the hospital census is low and there aren't any patients to enroll in the study. Really not much I can do about that. Turns out that people don't want to be in the hospital on the 4th of July.

5. As I was walking over to the patient side of the hospital I encountered a very frustrated woman who was lost. I tried to verbally explain where she needed to go...but she yelled at me and told me that she was just there. Well, I said, that's where your appointment I am not sure what I can do for her. But I decided that I will walk her to the area (which was nowhere near where we were). As we are walking she is spewing an endless rant about how poorly the hospital was designed and that the signs were inadequate and she was sure I wasn't going the right way because she had never gone this way before and blah blah blah. I delivered her safely to the elevator lobby where there was a lovely sign telling her to go to the 6th floor. I did not ride up with her. She did not thank me. I DIDN'T BUILD THE HOSPITAL!! I AM TRYING TO BE NICE TO YOU!! At any rate I hope she found the rest of her way and all is well.

6. I then spent 4 hours trying to fix an issue. I am not even going to get into that....but suffice it to say that if people would take the time to READ life would be easier.

7. 4:00 rolls around...I can almost taste the 3 day weekend. And then I get another call from my boss. Thanking me for taking care of aforementioned issue and asking me if I am going to be in tomorrow. you really need me to be here. Long story short...Jess going to work in the morning. But hopefully the census won't change over night and I can be home before everyone else is awake.

In fairness the rest of the day was okay. Nice walk with Dave and GZ, Mac&Cheese for dinner and the results show for "so you think you can dance"!

Have a great 4th of July...and check your shirt for extra food. =)
