Friday, August 22, 2008

Constant Transition

Sooooo....."they" were right.

I remember in the not-too-distant past claiming that once I moved to North Carolina that my life would settle down and I would enjoy that thing people called "free time." Those who knew me well laughed. At first I was insulted...but now I have come to realize that they foresaw that which I was too naive to see....I am a work-a-holic.

That aside, I am also never able to be happy with the status quo...constantly searching for some way to improve or challenge myself. Or maybe just always looking for ways to stir up the dust.

I was poking around on the hospital website where I work and noticed a research nursing position posted. For those who didn't know....I went to nursing school to be a research nurse. Not the traditional reason...but it was mine. As I went through nursing school I found that I actually enjoyed bedside nursing as well....and because I needed more experience went into that branch out of school. But it seems like I would be wasting an opportunity to at least learn more about this position if I don't apply. So I put in a request for transfer. And...back into transition I go. =)

This coupled with the daunting task of being a new home owner is making me....well...tired!

So lets say that I conquer the boxes and get the new job.....what can I possibly do next....

I are all out there giggling. But I am planning to actually read all the books in that to-read pile!


1 comment:

Ashley said...

There's the book pile, the TRIATHALON, and the movie marathon day (eventually). I'm sure you'll find something to do once your house is start a martial arts studio or something easy like that.